Euston Station
Image Source: The Integer Club

Member Article

HS2: Camden Council ‘let down’ by Government’s Euston Station plans

Camden Council has warned that HS2 Ltd’s plans for Euston Station will bring “more than a decade of blight without any benefit” to London, unless there is a commitment to the redevelopment of the entire station.

The Council feels questions have been left unanswered on how the likes of Crossrail 2 will be integrated into the station as there is no commitment to comprehensive development of the station.

Government changes to the London terminus for High Speed 2 (HS2) announced today (Tuesday, 8 September) in Additional Provision 3 (AP3) to the HS2 Bill show the new HS2 tracks being built in two phases, with no timescale, funding or design specified for the redevelopment of the existing Euston Station.

The Euston Area Plan, adopted by Camden Council and the Greater London Authority, shows how up to 3,800 homes, up to 14,100 new jobs and new open space could be achieved through comprehensive development at Euston with the HS2 tracks and existing tracks all on one level.

Failure to include the existing Euston Station in a comprehensive development could “block the integration of Crossrail 2”, which could mean” further disruption to an area already facing years of HS2 construction”.

Leader of Camden Council, Councillor Sarah Hayward, said: “HS2 will cause decades of blight in the Euston area – to property prices, to our small business’ trade and to our residents’ lives, which is why we remain ardently opposed to the scheme.

“If HS2 goes ahead with these plans, Camden suffers all of the pain with none of the benefits. London has a housing crisis and people’s jobs are insecure.

“Comprehensive development at Euston with tracks on one level can help remedy this and provide a world-class transport hub, yet the short-sightedness of these plans is threatening to let down Londoners on all these fronts.

Simon Pitkeathley, Chief Executive of Camden Town Unlimited, said: “The redevelopment of Euston is a once in a generation opportunity for business and jobs growth in Camden. In nearby King’s Cross, new station entrances and the redirection of passenger flows regenerated the neighbourhood and saw businesses move in.

“Euston could do the same, but only if passengers can cross seamlessly from one end of the station to the other and easily access the surrounding area. The AP3 design falls short of this vision as the existing tracks will remain at their current level whereas the HS2 tracks will be lowered. This will limit station permeability, and as a result, businesses to the east of the station site will miss out on the opportunities presented by the tens of thousands of potential customers who will pass through Euston daily once HS2 is running.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ellen Forster .

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