Clear Your Clutter - Boost Your Productivity

Member Article

Clear Your Clutter - Boost Your Productivity

How we work is changing. Over 4 million people in the UK now work from home, with 64% aiming for that flexibility by 2020. Whether your role has offered you the opportunity, or you’re setting up your own business at home to make money online, there’s one vital skill that doesn’t appear in many business guides - how to keep your home office free of clutter.

Surrounding yourself with piles of paperwork and dust-friendly paraphernalia can be a big drain on your productivity. Interior design experts OKA have found that clutter can not only look unsightly, but can also affect your well-being and how others perceive you. Something as simple as having a messy deskcan make 53% of people think badly of you, and 35% admit to being embarrassed of their workspace.

It’s not just a problem in the professional sphere either - clutter can clog up everyone’s efficiency. Children’s concentration levels are significantly lower when working in a cluttered environment, with 9.2% more likely to let their minds wander off topic during lesson time. This lapse in concentration affects their ability to learn and understand new ideas - hurting their chances of making progress with their learning. Whoever we are, and wherever we are working, needless clutter is very effective at damaging our productivity.

But rather than in an attempt to improve how we use our spaces, decluttering is usually thanks to the imminent visit of friends and relatives or a fresh start for the new year. As many as 69% of people agree that decluttering is a great way to achieve sanity and peace of mind - so why do we put up with day-to-day flotsam and jetsam spreading across our desks and workspaces? To delve deeper into the motivation and impacts of clutter, explore this helpful infographic for further insights.

It’s clear that decluttering your home can reap more than just aesthetic benefits, but also boost and support your personal and professional well-being. Don’t wait - get sorting today to optimise your space for the better!

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Jack Stevens .

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