FireCask 2015 Year In Review


Infographic: FireCask 2015 Year In Review

Award winning online marketing and WordPress development agency FireCask have released their 2015 Year In Review infographic. The infographic outlines the key achievements of the Manchester based agency from 2015 and some interesting facts about the growing business.

The infographic focuses on a number of key areas of success for FireCask. Three major things that the business celebrated in 2015 were their move to The Manchester Club on King Street, Director Anna Moss winning the Manchester Champion award for her work, and the agency taking on twenty seven brand new clients in the year.

Cumulatively FireCask also did a lot of travelling. In total, the business travelled over 8000 miles in 2015. Some of the places that the agency visited were Reykjavik, Amsterdam, Milan, Cyprus, and London (numerous times). FireCask also spoke at 6 different conferences in 5 countries. The agency also went on adventures to places such as a giant ball pit, Brighton, and Ambleside for Christmas.

FireCask not only used their time to work in 2015, they also supported five charities, raising £1000 in the process, and giving 500 hours. In order to fuel the agency for all of the work, travel, and charitable efforts in 2015 the team drank over 3600 cups of coffee. That’s over 54000 sips.

The FireCask office saw many new faces in 2015 with the business taking on nine interns across the year, holding three FYZ employability days, and taking on 5 new team members, with one intern becoming a full time employee. 2015 also saw FireCask double their turnover and profit.

Looking forward to 2016, the business has planned their Content Marketing half day conference for the 28th of January which anyone can sign up for and attend. The conference will offer insightful information about online marketing and is a great opportunity for people to develop their content marketing skills for 2016.

In 2016 the FireCask team will also be taking part in Challenge880 for Challenge Cancer UK, making plans to travel and speak in loads of new and exciting places, and working with the three new clients that are starting in January.

The FireCask team have said “we can’t wait to work with all of our clients, meet great people, encourage interns, and support more charities in the New Year”.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Kat Kynes .

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