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Member Article

Top tips for developing an effective newsletter for your business

Newsletters continue to be instrumental in maintaining customer loyalty, but only when its executed successfully and the content that retailers share is being read.

Sharing insight on new products, physical or online stores and any seasonal deals is a good start. Lars Tinnefeld, email marketing manager at Trusted Shops, provides 6 further tips on how retailers can refine their newsletters and tap their full potential.

1. Make it snappy & nudge you readers in the right direction

Make it absolutely clear to the reader from the outset what the newsletter is about. Keep the subject line concise and under 75 characters. Any additional characters are automatically cut off by the e-clients and are no longer visible.

This combination of an enticing subject line and a teaser text should capture the reader’s interest immediately. By adding easily recognisable text links and a clear call-to-action to your newsletter, you can also guide your readers with instructions like “Buy now” or “Find out more,” using links to the online shop and/or the Facebook fan page.

2. Testing…testing

To find out how well an email is received, it is worth using the A/B test, so that two different versions of a subject line are tested. By comparing the key figures (subject line), it’s easy to find out which version worked better, for example on the basis of the opening rate.

3. Time is of the essence

Try sending the newsletter at different times and on different days to find out the best time to reach your readers. Opening rates and click rates of the respective newsletter contents can provide information on this.

4. The personal touch

Every newsletter should be personalised to increase the likelihood of gaining the reader’s attention and making them likely to review the email, rather than lose interest. Depending on the target group, this can be the first name, the surname or a combination of both.

5. The opt-out

Don’t forget to integrate an unsubscribe link in the email, this is required by law. The consumer must be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from the newsletter quickly and easily at any time.

6. Onwards and upwards

Never stop learning. Keep analysing the newsletter to make sure it is optimised. You can track the success - or failure - of your newsletter on the basis of KPIs such as opening rates, click rates and delivery rates and use this information to continuously improve your newsletter.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Lars Tinnefeld, .

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