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Get More Conversions, Improve Your UX Designing

Do you remember the last time you visited a website only to press the back button within first few minutes just because you did not like something about it?

It could be anything – poor navigation system, non-readable content, bad designing, poor choice of color theme, bad website structure or anything else that you can name.

Chances are it happened sometime today. I might even be a regular case with you as you surf new websites in your free time every day. So, what was your immediate reaction?

There are high chances that you left the website right away.

Now imagine visitors doing the same to your website. I am sure you don’t want to experience that yourself. So, what is it that you can do to get them to stay at your website and get the conversions?

The answer is actually quite obvious – You need to perk up the user experience (UX) at your website!

The only and the major difference that you could probably find between a website that is a hit among the users and the one that has a higher bouncing rate is that of user experience (UX) design. Simply said – A website with poor UX design would have a disappointing conversion rate also.

So, how would you actually make your UX design better so that the conversion rate at your portal also boosts up? Wait! Before I get on to that, let’s have a better clarity about what some of the basic concepts.

What do you mean by User Experience?: Now, user experience (US) is actually quite a broad term. It could have a different meaning depending on the industry, service type, field of study, product type and so on. As a result, the term ‘User Experience’ has many official definitions.

However, in this blog we are going to discuss about digital user experience. Now if are aware about UX designing even a bit, you would know that digital UX also has many sub-categories including websites, software, intranet and applications and each one of these can be discussed in depth.

So, let’s zero our focus specifically on “website user experience”.

Having said that, let’s see what does the term ‘user experience’ means to website owner.

Website UX is the collective experience of the user while they are using your website. It is all about how pleasant visitors feel while they are on your website.

I have stated some of the factor for you that influence the user experience of your website.

Remove all the Broken Links: Has it ever happened with you that you clicked on a link and landed on a page that says ‘404 Error’? Isn’t that annoying to face? Well, your visitors will feel the same if they will have to encounter this error when they visit your web portal. To tell you the cause of the 404 Error – It is caused by the broken links.

Not only that, dead links will also act as roadblocks affecting the conversion rates. When a user will encounter the 404 error page, he would have no option but to press that back button and visit your competitor’s web portal. So, what is it that you can do to make them feel less helpless in such a situation?

Let them contact you! While creating your UX design, integrate an option for the users to get connected with you with their queries and issues through a contact form, live chat or any other method to access the help.

Humanize the Website to Perk Up User Experience: Humans react quicker when you connect to their emotions instead of appealing to them logically. So, create a human-to-human sensation through your content and design. And if you are wondering that how will you appeal to their emotions then you are certainly underestimating the tools you have at your disposal.

The easiest way to connect to people is through the copywriting methods or you can even use audio-visual effects in your web site to make people know how others felt when they used your products or services.

Make it Convenient for Visitors to Find Things: Have a simple and well defined navigation to make it convenient for the visitors on your website to find what they are looking for. Here is a simple trick to ensure that:

Think or research about what your customers would visit your website for, and make it searchable for them!

Use sitemaps. They are an amazing tool to make your customers locate everything on the portal easily, hence increasing the conversion rates. Otherwise, you will be at a risk to lose them to your competitors as nobody in this era has the time or patience to search leisurely.

We are done with the top 3 methods through which you can boost up the conversion rates using the UX designs. Found something useful? Share the tips with your friends too and don’t forget to write us back if you have anything to add on. I am sure you will have a lot!

This article is published by WeDigTech - an offshore mobile app development company.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by WeDigTech .

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