James Collins of Aintree Coachline (left) with Duncan Baxter of Ultimate Finance

Aintree Coachline invests in Liverpool fleet with new double decker

Coach hire company Aintree Coachline has invested in a new 98-seat double decker bus.

Built by Australian manufacturer BCI at its assembly plant in China, the BCI Enterprise was obtained with an asset finance facility provided by Ultimate Finance.

The vehicle has joined Liverpool-based Aintree Coachline’s 35-strong fleet of coaches and buses, allowing the firm to cater for an increased number of pupils requiring transport between Southport and their private school in Crosby.

According to Aintree Coachline, its BCI Enterprise is just one of five imported into the UK.

The double decker features air conditioning and high-backed seats with three-point belts.

Further, the vehicle is capable of sustained motorway cruising at a limited 62mph, enabling Aintree Coachline to provide high capacity short-to-medium-distance private hire work when not operating the school run.

The director of Aintree Coachline, John Cherry, said: “When purchasing double decker buses, coach operators have been limited to second-hand vehicles that rarely become available.

“Naturally this means that when they are delivered they have already received a great deal of use and are therefore not in the best condition.”

He continued: “The fact there is a growing requirement to transport larger numbers should not mean we cannot provide a first class passenger experience.

“We are grateful to Ultimate Finance, with whom we have successfully worked for the past five years for providing us with the necessary finance to enable us to buy such a state-of the art bus.”

Ultimate Finance MD Andy Ribbins commented: “John has a great business with testament to the way he operates being the long contracts he has with many of his customers.

“He knows that he needs to continue to invest and improve his fleet if he is to attract increasing numbers of people to choose to use his services and stay ahead of the field and we are delighted to help him towards this goal.”

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