Paul Cobb, Director of The Green Energy Advice Bureau

Member Article

Water deregulation could help regional businesses make savings

A major shake-up of water regulation in England could help North East companies make substantial savings according to multinational broker The Green Energy Advice Bureau.

The company, based in South Shields, acknowledges that the deregulation of the water market from 1 April 2017 will help businesses across the region to make significant savings.

Rather than receiving water and sewerage directly from a local supplier, non-household customers, including eligible charities, businesses and public sector organisations will have the opportunity to choose their water and sewerage supplier - taking into account factors such as cost, customer service and contractual obligations.

Paul Cobb, Director at the Green Energy Advice Bureau, said: “The deregulation of the water market is a great opportunity for all businesses across the North East to improve their water supply in terms of cost saving, tailored services and the efficient use of water.

Businesses will be able to select the most appropriate supplier for their needs. We have offered constructive and effective advice to all of our customers in their energy supply needs and we can’t wait to offer the same invaluable advice for water supply.

“We work with thousands of businesses across the UK and adding water to the wide range of services we offer will greatly boost our existing clients and future customers budget savings, peace of mind and environmental conscience. It’s great news for the sector.”

Whilst the physical supply of water will remain unchanged, it will be the additional services provided by retailers and brokers such as The Green Energy Advice Bureau that will be the main differentiator.

The Green Energy Advice Bureau, based in One Trinity Green, South Shields one of the country’s most energy efficient offices, offers energy procurement, management and sustainability services for businesses across the UK.

Ethical green and traditional energy solutions provide the organisation’s clients with a wide range of options for their business.

Highly trained and experienced staff deliver the very best energy solutions for clients across all sectors.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by The Green Energy Advice Bureau .

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