Tick Tock Unlock Directors Ali Khan and Samrien Hussain.

Leeds escape game business creates 13 new jobs with VR game experience launch

Tick Tock Unlock, the Leeds-based escape game company, is expanding its team with 13 new recruits.

The news comes after the business revealed it will launch the UK’s first virtual reality-powered game experience at Trinity Leeds.

The Hyper Reality Experience will open on April 22nd.

Seven of the new recruits will work at Tick Tock Unlock’s existing sites and six will join the new Hyper Reality Experience.

Tick Tock Unlock, which was launched by husband and wife team Ali Khan and Samrien Hussain in 2014, now boasts a team of more than 35 staff members.

Samrien Hussain, director and founder of Tick Tock Unlock, said: “There’s such a big appetite for escape games and we’re always trying to develop new concepts and rooms to keep people coming back for more. As a result, we’re fully booked almost every weekend and it’s going from strength to strength.

“It’s fantastic to employ local people who have the same passion and vision for escape games as we do, and they all add to the atmosphere of the game.

“Thanks to our loyal fans we’ve been able to expand our business more quickly than we could have imagined. Since we launched just a couple of years ago, it’s been a rollercoaster ride and we’ve got so much more in store.

“We can’t wait to see where the next few years take us.”

The company now operates sites in Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow, as well as three sites in Leeds.

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