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Image Source: Eureka Solutions

Member Article

New contract wins for Eureka Solutions

Award-winning cloud business solutions provider Eureka Solutions has continued its remarkable growth trajectory with a series of new contract wins across a wide range of sectors.

The latest deals, which all involve products from NetSuite, the world’s number 1 cloud ERP, illustrate Eureka Solutions’ increasingly strong associations with companies which operate worldwide, and are dynamic and ambitious.

The four most recent wins for the East Kilbride-based company are Bull Products Ltd, Salix Finance, Sensewhere, and WiFi SPARK:

Safety equipment provider Bull Products Ltd manufactures and imports fire protection, fall arrest, first aid and general safety equipment for the construction industry. Eureka Solutions will work with Bull Products to implement NetSuite ERP and CRM. These systems will look to facilitate the company’s fast paced growth bringing together their finance, stock control and CRM for a 360° view of their business, all operated and managed through the cloud.

Salix Finance is a not-for-profit government body which provides interest free loans to public sector organisations such as schools, emergency services, hospitals, leisure centres, local authorities and the NHS to invest in renewable energy technologies. Salix purchased NetSuite CRM+ and Eureka Solutions’ Bespoke Data Exchange Addon. NetSuite CRM+ will provide the management of contracts and accounts, diaries, marketing campaigns, enquiry tracking and workflow. Data Exchange will be used to integrate the new system with their existing website and internal projects approval system.

Sensewhere, an innovative software provider which delivers indoor positioning and location software which analyses behaviour, location, inventory and trends to enable retailers to connect with consumers.

Sensewhere purchased NetSuite OneWorld Financials. The company has a US subsidiary and implementing NetSuite will provide it with a US-compliant accounting system as well as consolidated financial reporting for its board and investors.

WiFi SPARK is a fast-growing company, which provides WiFi access points to the NHS, venues, stadiums and town centres. WiFi SPARK purchased NetSuite SRP, which will replace its existing system with a more scalable and flexible solution. It will also streamline its procurement and automate its revenue recognition processes.

Gillian Livingstone, Managing Director of Eureka Solutions, said: “The wide variety of growing companies we are helping across the UK and beyond illustrates the recognition Eureka Solutions has achieved as a partner which delivers.

Livingstone continued, “As a NetSuite partner, Eureka Solutions can provide the comprehensive and proven financial management capabilities required to grow a changing, complex business.”

Eureka Solutions currently has more than 2,000 live contracts, employs 55 people at its new East Kilbride HQ and is predicting double digit growth over the next fiscal year.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Dominic Needler .

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