The everlasting garden

Member Article

Care home thanks local community for blooming marvellous support

Green fingered residents and care home staff have thanked the local community for donations to a gardens in bloom competition entry.

The Woodlands, a specialist dementia care home in Driffield, created a space with residents in mind. The ‘everlasting garden’ theme allows residents to enjoy the space without requiring too much maintenance.

Local building suppliers MKM donated compost and top soil, the local Wilkinsons branch donated plant pots while garden centre Bell Mills gifted the home flowers to plant in the gardens.

Thanks to their efforts, Woodlands has become a finalist in the The Hica in Bloom competition, which is used to support residents who are older people, those suffering from dementia and those with learning difficulties. This is done by involving them in active projects, encouraging them to voice their opinion, make decisions, be creative, and enjoy the outdoors while also encouraging new achievements.

Woodlands manager, Adam Ward, said: “We would like to thank the local community for coming together and assisting us in creating our garden not only for our competition entry but also for our residents. Everyone worked really hard and it’s ended in a great result.

“The competition encourages resident and staff involvement, so we ask everyone what they want to create, they help us design, make things and do the planting and gardening. “Hica in Bloom really helps to support people with dementia by giving residents something positive to concentrate on. We have noticed a change in behaviour throughout the project, residents with dementia have been very content and calm whilst helping. It really is much more than a competition to everyone involved.”

Winners and runners up will be awarded their trophies and accolades at the company’s Shine Ball at the end of the year, which brings together hundreds of staff and residents every year to celebrate their achievements.

Penni Brown, chief executive of Hica Group said: “The Hica in Bloom competition is always a fantastic event. Each home really shows their enthusiasm and creativity and staff do their very best to design and develop an enjoyable space for residents.

“The Hica in Bloom competition is one of our main events every year. It lasts all summer and there is always a tremendous amount of effort that is put into the entries.

“The calibre of entries this year has been fantastic, creating not only beautiful gardens but also sensory areas and interactive activities which support the needs of our residents.” The Hica Group, which runs 19 care homes and two retirement villages, introduced the Hica in Bloom competitionfour years ago, and has seen the event grow each year. Participating homes are given a £250 donation from the care operators Shine Fund, and are encouraged to fundraise to collect more money to spend on their garden project.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by The Hica Group .

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