
Member Article

Film set skills and training on offer to the unemployed, with help from Grŵp Cynefin

Ffilm Cymru Wales’ Foot in the Door scheme is offering unemployed people of all ages in North Wales a chance to gain valuable skills on the set of a major new TV series shortly to start filming in Snowdonia.

Anyone over 18 not in employment or education, can apply for the free two-week placement, offered by Ffilm Cymru Wales in partnership with Welsh production company Severn Screen and Grŵp Cynefin housing association.

People interested must register online, in time to have filled in and submitted an application by 27 October.

Financial help to pay for costs such as transport, food or clothing, is being provided by Grŵp Cynefin to eligible applicants. The association is also paying for expenses such as venue hire for recruitment and training days, to enable the training programme to go ahead.

Called Craith, the TV thriller is the latest major Welsh and English language series from the makers of Hinterland. The North Wales filming will take place during November and December.

Ten placements are on offer through Ffilm Cymru Wales’ Foot In The Door scheme.
Grŵp Cynefin was chosen by Ffilm Cymru Wales to offer the opportunities to its tenants and service users, as well as the members of the wider community.

Its officers are now on hand to help people sign up, and support them as they prepare to take up their placements.

Grŵp Cynefin community initiatives manager, Mair Edwards, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for an experience that could be a launchpad for a career in the creative industries and beyond. Some of the trainees who took part in a pilot have already secured paid employment in the film, television and wider sectors.

“Grŵp Cynefin’s involvement is part of its commitment to developing sustainable communities and creating opportunities for people, providing more than housing. “We’re taking applications from people of all ages. Anyone interested just needs to register on the Ffilm Cymru Wales website.”

Ffilm Cymru Wales’ pilot Foot in the Door programme in April 2017 saw individuals from the Newport and Caerphilly areas rub shoulders with Hollywood stars Michael Sheen (The Queen, The Twilight Saga) and Dan Stevens (Beauty and the Beast, Downton Abbey) on the set of The Raid director Gareth Evans’ forthcoming thriller Apostle.

Full details and online application forms can be found at Foot in the Door is supported by the Welsh Broadcasting Trust’s Partnership Fund and Creative Skillset’s Film Skills Fund with BFI’s Film Forever National Lottery funds.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sam Harris .

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