Victvs Ltd is based in Castleton Mills, Leeds.
Victvs Ltd is based in Castleton Mills, Leeds.

Leeds business support provider pays global workforce with Bitcoin

In response to increased worldwide awareness of the rising value and potential applications of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, a company based in Leeds is now offering Bitcoin payments to members of its global workforce.

Victvs Ltd, which provides business support services in over 100 countries, has a global network of over 1000 people.

Services provided by Victvs include micro logistics, inspections and audits, professional examination management and international crisis support.

Victvs Ltd was founded in Sep 2013 by Benjamin Clayson and Andrew Gregory. The company is based in Castleton Mills, Leeds.

As of 1st December 2017, Victvs began offering its members the option of receiving payment in the cryptocurrency after seeing Bitcoin as a “welcome additional option through which to pay their global network.”

Ben Clayson, Victvs CEO and founder, believes that Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies hold potential for his global workforce.

Ben explained: “As the connected global workplace evolves, new tools and technologies like Bitcoin are being created to provide people with greater individual control over resources including finance.

“We believe that cryptocurrency payments will have real benefits for the members of our global network and we expect to see developments in Blockchain technology having a profound effect on our industry in the near future.”

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