Danae Abadom

Member Article

Face To Face Alongside Digital Says Expert

The world of marketing is so fast paced that many of the good old ways of communicating seem to be getting left by the wayside, much to the annoyance of Danae Anadom of IE. Here she tells why she believes no amount of digital supremacy will ever fully replace face-to-face interaction.

“Having been in marketing for many years, I have noticed that the pace of change is speeding up – it seems the whole world is going digital mad, and from a marketing perspective in some ways it is a dream true and in others, it is quite simply starting to irritate.

“Every marketing plan is now Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… the list goes all. Websites are getting cleverer with bigger budgets being poured into them. Digital Advertising – top of the agenda.

“But how many people in real life are actually getting fed up and irritated by endless online adverts and key messages. Do you glaze over when your interesting feed with Aunty Vi’s holiday photos is interrupted again by some corporate selling something? Something no doubt you have previously googled and already bought or dismissed?

“I want to start a human revolution before it is all too late to pull back. We as marketers need to take a stand against brands wishes, working more closely as consultants with our clients, reminding them that the digital world is only as real as any form of media is in its hay day!

“Real customers, who will exhibit loyalty, need a strong mix of types of contact and messages. And more and more, in this digital day and age, spenders are showing signs that they require HUMAN interaction.

“Marketers that are getting this right are putting the full experiential campaign together. The brand connects with their customers in a physical way creating opportunities for fun and making memories through hands on and face to face interaction.

“People definitely want to see high tech screens and imagery and are impressed by it, but the experiential approach means that those people enjoy the sensation of interaction with a human too – with real life, which resonates deeper than anything digital. This, pure and simply, is what sells.

“Experiential is not just about samples and vouchers anymore. Some of our best work with the best results was immersed in experience rich ideas. An airport lounge in a shopping centre, with a real plane section, check in and luggage reclaim is one I am really proud of. It blew people’s minds and actually in some cases made their day – which then meant it went wild on social media. It was a moment of theatre that cut through to the shopper in a unique way.

“I am taking a stand as I believe people crave this real life face to face action still. Touching, feeling, smelling – rather than a technology led interaction. I do believe that the digital world has a huge place and is effective. There is no doubt in a marketing campaign it has many, many benefits…. The main one being that it has reminded the human race that is more than one way to skin a cat.

“Next time you are out, stop and watch. See how people reach out and welcome face-to-face interaction. See how the shoppers light up, ask questions, engage with the brand, play the game and immerse themselves in the experience. See them smile! And then watch them buy… Marketers, mark my words - times are changing, and it’s not all about going online!”

IE is approaching its 10th birthday as one of the North East’s and UK’s leading, award winning, experiential agencies. The company works with huge retail names such as BooHoo, Famous Grouse, Kerry Foods, DFDS and Nissan. Other clients include shopping centres across the UK, RoadRespect and many Councils across the UK.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sophie Isobel .

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