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New student letting service launches saving landlords more than a third in agency costs
A new online student letting service, which covers landlords for up to six months’ worth of unpaid rent and reduces costs by more than a third, has launched..
The easy-to-use platform, Conker, has access to thousands of university students looking for accommodation in the Bristol area.
On average, landlords pay £3,300 per property to fill and / or manage their properties*. With Conker, these costs are reduced by more than a third, and landlords can decide how involved they want to be in the management of their properties, as well as having a dedicated account manager.
The student letting service also has additional 24/7 support for maintenance requests and student queries to remove hassle for people who let out their second or third property or those who do it as a full-time business.
With backing from Unite Students, the UK’s largest accommodation provider of its kind that houses more than 50,000 students, Conker is a credible, go-to lettings service for landlords to rent out their properties. Unite Students has more than 27 years’ experience in student accommodation and will use its network for Conker to connect landlords and students.
Neil Hinwood, Head of Proposition and Service Design at Conker, said,
“Conker takes away some of the pitfalls of being a landlord by covering them with up to half a year’s unpaid rent and helping them to avoid the hefty letting agent fees to find and manage tenants. Not only that, it gives landlords access to thousands of students that are trustworthy and in need of housing.
“Conker serves the gap in the market to make student lettings much more convenient and secure for the landlord. With the backing of an established company like Unite Students, we feel that people will be able to trust Conker to make their lives easier when letting property to students.”
*Research by Unite Students, 2018, based on Bristol landlords filling a five-bedroom student property.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Chris Owen .
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