Stuart Wilson, CEO of Blue Bay Travel receiving award

Member Article

LDC backed Blue Bay Travel land industry Award

Blue Bay Travel of Trentham have been awarded top Growth Management Team as British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA) names five of the best businesses in the Midlands for the Management Team Awards 2018. Every year for almost a decade, the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA) scours the country for the best businesses backed by private equity and venture capital. The BVCA Management Team Awards, produced in association with Grant Thornton, give these enterprises the recognition and platform they deserve for their outstanding performance over the last year.

The judges were impressed by the passion of Blue Bay’s founder-owners and their approach to working with private equity as a partner. In a challenging market for the travel industry they have had great online growth and developed fantastic partnerships.

Stuart Wilson, CEO of Blue Bay Travel said, “We are delighted to have been recognised for our work over the last year. LDC coming on board was an important transition for the company and the management team has delivered over and above what we hoped for. We continue to see exponential growth as a business, with some of our highest sales figures to date already seen this year.”

The judges were looking for companies who are building attractive, distinctive businesses which stand out from others in their sector, skilled execution of particular projects, including product innovation, acquisition, capital investment, international expansion, marketing innovation. Evidence of bold and authentic leadership, including development of a strong, progressive culture and wider contribution to society as well as overall growth, including profit growth and returns on exit.

The award winners picked up their prizes at the BVCA’s annual Midlands Dinner at Birmingham Town Hall. They will now go forward into the national final to compete against all regional champions, before the UK winners are announced at the BVCA Gala Dinner on 29th of November in London.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Vicky Pulman .

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