The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 12-month inflation rate was 0.3 per cent in November - down from 0.7 per cent in October.

Inflation drops by 0.4% in November alongside second national lockdown

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published its inflation figures for the month of November.

Data from the ONS shows a 0.4 per cent decrease in the inflation rate, coinciding with the country re-entering lockdown in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 12-month inflation rate was 0.3 per cent in November - down from 0.7 per cent in October.

In November, clothing and footwear, along with food and non-alcoholic beverages, all made downward contributions to the inflation rate.

The inflation rate from food and non-alcoholic beverages showed the largest negative contribution from the group since January 2017.

ONS deputy national statistician for economic statistics, Jonathan Athow, commented: “With significant restrictions in place across the UK, inflation slowed, predominantly due to clothing and food prices.

“Also, after several months of buoyant growth, second-hand car prices fell back a little.”

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