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As a member of the business community, it’s important to stay informed about what’s going on in your area. It can be hard to stay up to date when you’re busy - so why not let somebody else do the work for you?
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With the option of four different daily bulletins - London, Yorkshire, North East and National - you can tailor your news to your needs.
Bdaily covers the biggest business stories in the UK, as well as regional stories relevant to your area, including new retail openings and job creation, investments and construction projects.
Breaking news is an essential part of what Bdaily does, with fresh stories written specifically for each bulletin, and live coverage of events, including the Chancellor’s Budget, government press conferences and the Queen’s Speech.
On top of that, Bdaily regularly secures interviews with some of the UK’s biggest business leaders, such as Peter Wall of Argo Blockchain, David Knibbs of The Tofoo Co, and Leon McQuaid and Jen Rea of Newcastle Airport.
Looking for business events in your area? We’ve got your back there too, with event listings featured in every bulletin email.
Plus! If you’re looking to boost your own customer base, there’s no better way than to be spotlighted in the bulletins, which are delivered to more than 45,000 enthusiastic business news readers.
Andrew Carter, business manager at Bdaily suggests the Bdaily bulletin should be a go-to resource for those wanting to expand their knowledge of the regional business landscape:
“I’ve been lucky enough to have subscribed to the Bdaily bulletin for many years, after a tip-off early in my career.
“It has proved invaluable over the years, keeping me up-to-date with the regional and national business world, who has moved where, what events to go to and where to contact the type of people I wanted to be doing business with.
“I’d recommend the bulletin to anyone, at any level in business, as it’s simply so convenient and so reliable.
“Now that I’m behind the wheel at Bdaily and can see the genuine consideration and effort that goes into getting that news out to our readers, I only have more admiration for the bulletin and the team behind it.
“The opportunity to get your business news to 45,000 people a day can’t be understated.”
Sarah Spence, marketing manager at RTC North, who subscribes to Bdaily’s bulletins, said:
“We regularly work with Bdaily to reach our target audience to not only regional businesses within the North East but also Yorkshire and Humber and North West.
“Bdaily provide timely news, advice and opinion content as well as offering RTC bespoke online advertising and content marketing services.”
Sign up for Bdaily’s news bulletins here
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