JBA SES Operations manager Graham Mclean (left) and principal business manager Gary Lawson.
(L-R): Graham Mclean, JBA SES Operations manager and Gary Lawson, principal business manager.

Teesside engineering specialist goes global alongside job creation

Engineering specialist JBA is finding new ways to provide their service internationally from their Wilton headquarters.

Since 2017, JBA Specialist Engineering Services has offered its repair and contracting services to the occupant businesses of the Wilton Centre in Redcar, Teesside.

In an effort to expand its reach, the company has signed a long-term lease, created a new workshop to design and manufacture control panels and has increased its headcount from 12 to 16.

This is due, in part, to a partnership with Teesside University which has recently seen a graduate join the business who will be helping develop a hydrogen rig for use in oil drilling by engineers and operators around the world.

Principal business manager of JBA SES and director of DarbyTech, Gary Lawson said of recent expansion in territory: “Rigs have gone to the United States, Mexico and the Middle East. We’ve even sent equipment that teaches students at university in Alaska how to drill for oil.”

JBA is also one of the few UK engineering companies that can offer the complete package of mechanical and electrical design, build and installation. Gary notes: “Companies all over the UK need control panels. It’s the essential component to any process that has to be completed before a plant can be commissioned.”

JBA has also partnered with a US technology company specialising in wireless sensor distribution. These sensors will be installed within the UK and will provide data concerning the Wilton Centre’s environmental conditions and utility consumption.

Gary added: “It’s all about getting the data and information quickly and easily to the people who need it.”

The company’s operations manager Graham Mclean added: “We have the right balance of skill sets to be the ideal maintenance and support partner, providing a unique blend of tailored services across the Teesside region.”

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