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Optimisation technology company secures £15m Series A investment to boost semiconductor industry

An optimisation technology company located in London has announced a £15m Series A investment led by Nadav Rosenberg of Saras Capital.

The investment will enable Flexciton to hire more staff to develop more streamlined technical solutions to the manufacturing of semiconductors.

The global semiconductor market is expected grow to over $800bn by 2028.

According to Flexciton, building semiconductors takes place in “the most complex manufacturing environments in the world, with the production process generating more scheduling options than there are atoms in the universe.”

Jamie Potter, co-founder and CEO of Flexciton, said, “Automation is already used by many semiconductor manufacturers. However, even in advanced fabs where scheduling itself is automated, the software used to make these decisions tends to be based on predefined rules programmed by humans and determined by historical data.

“Yes, it can calculate different options far quicker than a human operator could, but the options are still ‘best guesses’ rather than optimal outcomes.”

Jamie continued: “Flexciton is able to create an overview of how the entire fab is operating and rapidly sift through the trillions of options available, to come up with the optimal decision at that precise point in time.

“Using AI-powered mathematical algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programming, we can analyse real-time data – not historical – and make the best choices possible based on what is happening in a fab at a given moment.

“Our vision is to become the best in the world at running semiconductor fabs, before turning our attention to support other manufacturers. This investment plays a key part in achieving this, as we expand our team.”

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