Member Article

How to Make the Most of Your Life in Business

Anna Toms, business owner, trustee, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, has a busy existence. But she recently read a book that made her question whether she is actually making the most of her life.

Living By The Script: Making the Most of Your Life was written by Deji Ajibade to inspire perspective in life and help us all develop a clarity of purpose, hence improving our own life’s experience. Here Anna shares what she has learnt and how Bdaily readers can apply those lessons to business.

“A clarity of purpose is currently what all companies are, or at least should be, looking at. Doing well is no longer enough. A company also needs to be doing good, and by doing so enriching the lives of its employees and the community.”

“This book is aimed at an individual life, but actually I found its merit in applying the advice to my business too, and that’s what I want to share and advise on today in this article.”

“Every day, we all battle with the same questions and most of us just go through the motions, whilst turning to books, religion and philosophy to find answers. However, Deji turns those questions which unify us back onto ourselves on how we can live meaningfully.”

“Throughout the book there are challenges, starting with why as humans, we are unhappy. This made me pause – our ultimate aim is to be successful and happy. Does one unite with the other? What is success? What is happiness? Having money, having a partner, ownership of material things?”

“When you look around your colleagues, are many of them happy or are they unhappy in the pursuit of happiness? Through reading this book, I will and have started to change my focus on what is happiness, by redefining what happiness means. It is something as all humans we should regularly evaluate, or we end in circles. Using examples, Deji draws this out as a powerful starting point for what would the ideal mental or emotional state be – what stage would you be content with your performance? Drawing on experts and age-old philosophers, I defy this opening chapter not to draw into thought, even the harshest cynic.”

“Covering off states that rob us of happiness such as worry, comparing ourselves to others, lack of gratitude and unhealthy lifestyles you will take away a fresh perspective on what matters.”

“Deji also advises against the influence of negative people – we all work with people like that – drains on our moods, complainers, people without vision, the office pessimist. By being more intentional about the people we surround ourselves with and allow to influence us, Deji claims we can be closer to happiness – an interesting concept to apply in business and life.”

“Deji leaves no stone unturned, exploring setting goals, fear, moving on from the past, validation and not enjoying your current role and what to do about it. He advocates passion over pay check – whilst this might seem idealist, there are ways we can all apply this to our lives, starting small.”

“He also advises on a life work mix that allows for sleep and relaxation – an ideal goal for us all. His examination of humankind and how we always want ‘more’ is illuminating. What do we pursue and why… why do goals constantly move and change? Where exactly will we, as individuals, be satisfied or say we have done enough? As a business owner, I can’t see that end goal yet as I constantly reset it. My clients constantly reset theirs. What does that achieve for us… is that making the most of our lives? I’d say it is, as it makes us keep going, achieve as much as possible in our short time here.”

The book moves on to encourage you to dig deep and find the things that matter. To re-calibrate. And what a great exercise this was personally and in my company. I found more fuel for the right things and have worked out what small stuff I should stop sweating. Liberating!

“Coming back to the title of the book, Living By The Script, is the search for the reason for our existence. The response to that is incredibly personal. By the reason for wanting to know is that without it, does life become meaningless? Deji talks through his belief is that the purpose of life is to have a life with purpose. You shape that purpose, and that is where our power is, at home, with family and friends, in the community and in business settings.”

“But where does that motivation come from? The author explores that with a candidness that opens your own mind and heart and teaches you how to draw from your own spring, your own intrinsic motivation. This left with a desire to do the things I love, and love the things I do.”

“I really enjoyed the marshmallow experiment writings. If you haven’t heard of it, you must read it! And learn how to tame your foxes too… there are some great tips on dealing with your weaker areas, creating plans, battling and overcoming challenges and getting support, by finding a mentor.

“Overall, the book with leave you motivated and focused on staying true to drive your future performance as well as understanding the reasons behind it. A power position to be in. In making the most of our lives, we all have choices to make. I am glad I made the choice to read Deji Ajibade’s book.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Anna Toms .

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