
Public consultation for £24.3m West Yorkshire town redevelopment hailed “great success”

A public consultation event held as part of the £24.3m Morley, West Yorkshire town redevelopment has been hailed “a great success” by organisers.

The ‘Green and Connected’ public drop-in held at Morley Town Hall on November 25 marked the launch of an online public consultation survey on aspects of the “Town Investment Plan”.

The Town Investment Plan is funded through a £24.3m grant from the Government’s Towns Fund, secured in March. The ongoing online survey aims to continue gathering public opinion on a broad range of proposals.

These proposals include: Upgrading and creating new green spaces, investment in local parks, offering better connections to the rail station, providing better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, and improving the civic space surrounding the Grade I listed Morley Town Hall.

Cllr. Helen Hayden, Leeds City Council’s Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate, said: “The Green and Connected proposals are an essential part of ongoing efforts to improve health, the environment, and transport links in Morley, so it was good to see so many people attending the event, learning more about the proposals and giving their feedback.

“The Morley Town Investment Plan demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering much-needed improvements for residents, employees and visitors across the Leeds district and, when complete, will contribute to the vision of Leeds becoming a net-zero carbon city by 2030.”

Morley Town Deal Board Chair Gerald Jennings said: “The great success of the Town Hall event was a solid start to the conversation on the proposed improvements to Morley town centre and is a conversation we can build upon with engagement through the online survey.

“We want to ensure that any changes made to the town reflect the wants and needs of the wider community, so public opinion and feedback is a really important part of this project. I had a number of conversations on the day and heard some clear and passionate views, which is what the event was all about.”

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