Flexible workplace startup accelerates growth of £81bn hybrid working industry with acquisition

Upflex, the global flexible workplace startup, has announced its plans to strengthen its footprint in the European market, completing its acquisition of WorkClub, the UK aggregator of on-demand workspaces.

The move will see the creation of Upflex EMEA, the company’s new European HQ in London, further broadening its presence in the region. This follows Upflex’s June 2021 expansion to Asia with Upflex India.

Founded in 2017, WorkClub is a well-established player in the UK flexible and hybrid work sector. Its team and network of locations will be fully integrated into the Upflex platform.

This marks Upflex’s first acquisition since its launch in 2017, which will see its offering extended to 500 locations across key UK regions, totalling 400,000 sq. ft. The office spaces will be spread across London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh and Glasgow and strategic locations in suburban areas nationwide.

Upflex’s innovative SaaS on-demand platform allows companies and employees to find and book flex workplaces “seamlessly and instantly”. This effectively disrupts the traditional workplace model by opening up access to the largest flex inventory in the world, comprising 5,500 unique spaces across 900 cities in 80 countries.

Operating in the US, Europe and APAC regions, Upflex is set to replicate its strong track record in the UK, where it recognises significant growth potential.

Christophe Garnier, Co-Founder & CEO of Upflex, said: “The fast-growing demand and adoption of hybrid working across the UK and Europe makes London the perfect fit for our European head office. By joining forces with WorkClub, not only do we adopt a grade-A team for this key market but we can also address our pan-European demand a lot faster.”

The combined business will offer access across a wider choice of locations and flexible curated office options to medium and large enterprise organisations looking to scale while facilitating hybrid working and supporting talent retention. The global flexible office market is set to reach $107bn (£80.7bn) by 2026.

Nick Donnelly, Founder & CEO, WorkClub / VP of Workplace Solutions EMEA, Upflex, commented: “Upflex offers the best product and international coverage to address enterprise demand and capitalise on the trend towards remote and flexible working, which has surged in the UK since the pandemic.

“Our experience in the UK flex market, combined with Upflex’s wider industry expertise will help us serve a larger audience across the UK and Europe.”

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