Paid placement programme launched across the North East

A new employability programme has launched in the North East to help build skills and aid the region’s economic recovery.

New Start is a paid placement programme providing career starter roles for people aged 25 and over. Building on the success of existing employment schemes, New Start offers five-month opportunities of up to 30 hours per week, with no prior experience required.

The programme is a partnership between housing providers in the North of Tyne region, Karbon Homes, Your Homes Newcastle, North Tyneside Council, Northumberland County Council, Changing Lives and Bernicia, with roles open to residents living in their homes.

Suzanne Jobson, foundations for life manager at Karbon Homes said: “The New Start programme is designed to give residents over 25, across the region, access to new opportunities which provide real-time work experience, with a real wage and qualifications.

“Many employment programmes support younger audiences, meaning the older you are the harder it can be to get past the first hurdles of starting a new role, but with New Start, whether it’s a first job or a chance to change direction, applicants are given the chance to take those important next steps on their career path.”

The programme is backed by the North of Tyne Combined Authority, with Mayor Jamie Driscoll describing it as a collaborative approach that helps more people and more employers become part of the region’s recovery from Covid-19.

The programme has gained support from a number of North-East businesses, offering several placements including a Day Centre Cook and Jam Maker at Belle and Herbs Farm in Central Newcastle, a Learning Support Worker at Northern Learning Trust, and Digital Inclusions Assistants at Your Homes Newcastle.

The programme is funded by the UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, an initiative designed to support local areas to pilot new approaches and programmes which help tackle local challenges.

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