
Entrepreneur Feisal Nahaboo appoints former Well Pharmacy Head Of Operations Alice Hare to the Alitam board as The Pharmacy Group accelerate

Signalling a significant acceleration of activity for the visionary pharmacy group Alitam, founder and CEO Feisal Nahaboo has today announced the appointment of former Head of Operations at Well Pharmacy, Alice Hare, to Alitam’s executive board.

Alice Hare, the former Head of Operations at Well Pharmacy, has been appointed to the executive board of pioneering pharmacy group Alitam, it was announced today.

Hailing from the UK’s third largest pharmacy chain with more than 760 stores, and with a wealth of experience in omnichannel—and futuristic—patient care, Alice Hare is said to have precisely the acumen required to help deliver the preventative healthcare model, underpinned by pharmacy, which forms the basis of Alitam founder and CEO Feisal Nahaboo’s radical vision for healthcare.

She joins the Alitam Board as Head of Services Mobilisation and boasts an impressive resume, with highlights including the establishment of all new and innovative operating models throughout her 25-year career within community pharmacy.

She has previously led on a variety of partnerships delivering a futuristic model of primary care which better positions community pharmacy as the first port of call for patients.

Nahaboo, who formed the visionary 100-plus store pharmacy consolidation Alitam in December 2019, says Hare brings with her the skills, knowledge and experience to excel in her new role, which will see her helping drive the transformation of the group’s pharmacies towards fully fledged clinical and wellbeing services.

He said: “Alice is the perfect fit for Alitam, and a huge advocate of our movement to revolutionise healthcare by fully utilising highly skilled and experienced community pharmacists.

“She contacted me having seen our work at the vanguard of innovation, most recently with our roll-out of GP-type clinical services like Minor Ailments Clinics, diabetes checks, weight loss clinics and more in Alitam stores.

“It’s no understatement to say that, as soon as we met, we realised it was a meeting of minds. Alice has the acute intelligence, crucial experience and personable qualities to render her ideal for this role.

“She will be instrumental in transforming our community pharmacies from their product-based offering to one of clinical and wellbeing services, and will work closely with out Chief Operating Officer Bharti Patel in this regard.

“Many Alitam pharmacies already offer ‘GP-type’ services, of course, but Alice will be ensuring all pharmacies incorporate them where feasible.

“Alice will also work ‘at the coalface’ with every one of our pharmacies, guiding them through the process of widening their clinical repertoire, and enabling the cross-fertilisation of ideas and experiences which is in the Alitam DNA.

“With her engaging manner, and boundless enthusiasm, Alice will be a real asset to Alitam.”

Alice Hare, the former Well Pharmacy Head Of Operations has been appointed to the Alitam executive board as Head of Services Mobilisation.

Hare is fulsome in her praise of Nahaboo and his multi-billion-pound ‘Pharmacy of the Future’ concept, which will see the launch of a chain of ‘Super Pharmacies’ across the UK and Ireland over the next decade and which will embed preventative healthcare by drawing upon the skills and expertise of “underutilised” pharmacists.

She said: “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity such as this for a long time. “It’s long been obvious to me that pharmacies are uniquely equipped to plug the enormous gap in healthcare which leaves many of our citizens are needlessly suffering—most especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Feisal’s radical vision for healthcare is precisely what’s needed right now, and it’s galvanising pharmacies in a way I’ve not seen before.

“The Alitam Group is nimble, incredibly close-knit and highly motivated - I couldn’t be more delighted to be part of the management team.”

Alitam’s new Head of Services Mobilisation, Alice Hare, will be “instrumental” in helping drive founder and CEO Feisal Nahaboo’s vision for a preventative healthcare revolution underpinned by pharmacy.

Hare’s appointment follows a slew of impressive hirings for Alitam, which is Nahaboo’s second merger created using his revolutionary M&A vehicle, the Overnight Multiple Merger Model (OMMM).

Nahaboo recently announced the line-up of his ‘dream executive team’ for Alitam, including Chairman Sir Ken Olisa, the Lord Lieutenant of London and renowned businessman and philanthropist; Consultant Antony Isaacs, former MD of HSBC Global; Managing Director Zach Brech, the former MD of Credit Suisse; and Chief Operating Officer Bharti Patel, former Avicenna Group Executive Director.

Nahaboo, who previously used OMMM to create leading accountancy firm Xeinadin, added: “The time is now to relieve the burden on primary care and allow our underutilised, yet highly experienced and trusted, community pharmacists to offer the people of the UK and Ireland the healthcare they deserve.

“With each day Alitam makes huge strides in the direction of delivering a preventative healthcare system.

“This will empower patients and save our health services enormous amounts of money. I will be making more announcements soon.”

For more information about Alitam, visit www.alitamgroup.com

For more information on the OMMM model, visit www.ommg.co.uk

For more information on Feisal Nahaboo, visit www.feisal.co.uk or follow him on Linkedin

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