Email Marketing -it's as easy as ABC
Email is one of the most effective ways to market your business in 2022.
Did you know that on average 320 billion emails are sent every day. This means standing out in your client’s inbox has never been so important.
Fortunately Bdaily are here to help you reach your potential! Our email marketing options are designed with the needs of SMEs in mind, using our platform to spread the word about your latest products or services.
With over a decade of experience, Bdaily has developed its name in the marketing world, which means reaching 1000s of future clients with us is as easy as ABC.
Associate your brand with our authoritative name
Each morning 1000s rely on Bdaily to provide them with the UK’s trending business news, both regionally and nationally. By sponsoring our email content, your brand will become instantly associated with our trusted name. We are not just looking for a one of transaction, but a marketing partnership that is made to last - especially with our sponsors.
As a Bdaily sponsor, you can be seen alongside our top news stories each week with a Highlights Email Sponsorship, or become the face of business news in your region by sponsoring out Email News Bulletin.
Boost your knowledge with Bdaily’s Marketing Blog
Looking for some handy tips to help you create your best email marketing campaign to date? Our Email Marketing Blog Post offers you our guide to a successful email marketing strategy, from the basics to our key tips to making your emails an inbox hit.
We also have a number of email advertising guides designed especially to help you, our Bdaily clients. Read all about it here.
Connect with a new audience
Whether you are looking for advertising slots or curious about sharing your content, Bdaily is here to help! Our email audience is made up of engaged business leaders in your region, who are eager to see what you have to say.
Be seen alongside our email news bulletin each morning with Bulletin Advertising or bring your content to our audience with a dedicated eShot designed to help you reach your true marketing options.
No matter how you want to use email to market your business, Bdaily are here to help you achieve your goals and more. Download our latest Media Pack for free today to see more of what we have to offer.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Bdaily Digital Marketing Team .
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