North East digital businesses offered support to enter low-carbon energy sector

Digital businesses in the North East are being offered support to enter the fast-growing low-carbon energy sector, by developing solutions that could help reduce carbon emissions.

The North East Energy Innovation Challenge programme is open for applications until 30 September 2022 and offers SMEs the chance to forge links with major players in the North East energy sector, and to receive support to develop and bring a new product to market.

David Lynch, energy innovation partnership manager at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP), explained: “The low-carbon economy in our region is forecast to grow rapidly over the next few years, as the UK works towards meeting its net zero carbon targets.

“The Energy Innovation Challenge is designed to help businesses in our region take advantage of this opportunity, at the same time as contributing towards the reduction of carbon emissions.”

The challenge programme is led by the North East Energy Catalyst, which is a partnership of the region’s major energy organisations and assets, including the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, Northern Powergrid and British Engines.

It also includes Sunderland, Durham, Newcastle and Northumbria Universities, which contribute their research and innovation capabilities, and Innovation SuperNetwork, which specialises in helping businesses to access finance and new market opportunities.

“By entering the challenge programme, businesses can benefit from some of the region’s most outstanding guidance and expertise, through the North East Energy Catalyst, including time with experts in accessing finance,” added David. “We want to help businesses in our region succeed and I’d encourage any SME that has an interest in expanding into the fast-growing energy sector to take a look at what’s on offer.”

The Energy Innovation Challenge programme is open to SMEs in the North East LEP area with fewer than 250 employees. Businesses can choose one or more of three challenge themes to address, including developing digital and data solutions which could help decarbonise private and public buildings.

The other two themes focus on improving materials used in electricity, gas and water infrastructure, and solutions to energy challenges in urban and rural areas.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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