3,000 Yorkshire people back in training or employment thanks to non-profit organisation

Yorkshire-based non-profit, Better Connect, hosted an event to celebrate the success of their Action Towards Inclusion project, which has helped over 3000 people transform their lives, and secure training and employment.

A partnership between Better Connect, and 30 organisations across the voluntary and community sector, the programme provides high-quality, specialist support to help individuals across Yorkshire to overcome significant barriers, begin training, start the job search, and secure employment, in a role that is aligned with their unique needs and interests.

The event, titled “A life changing legacy”, saw programme participants, Better Connect employees, as well as key workers and delivery partners from partnering organisations, come together to celebrate the tremendous and lasting impact the project has had on the lives of its participants.

Hannah Prole, engagement manager at Better Connect, said: “After 6 years of managing the Action Towards Inclusion programme, we’re thrilled to celebrate the incredible impact it’s had on the lives of people across Yorkshire with significant challenges, people who are struggling or feel forgotten, helping them to move forward into employment, education, training, or just become more confident, independent people. “

The ATI Programme supports many different areas of the participants life, including wellbeing, money, learning and support, with carefully selected delivery partners, tailored to the participant’s needs, deploying various stages of the programme, and a personal keyworker guiding each participant through the process towards their goals.

“A Life Changing Legacy” celebrated and honoured the incredible work of ATI delivery partners and keyworkers, who were essential in the programme’s success and impact, helping over 2000 people across York, North Yorkshire and East Riding to find financial stability, secure jobs they love, and start their own businesses, while positively impacting the lives of more.

Stephen Dunn, A keyworker from York Learning, said: As a Keyworker, I’ve seen ATI enrich the lives of participants, who then go on to enrich the society around them, sometimes through earnings, or through their relationships with friends, family, and others in the community.

Suzanne Eusman, head of specialist employment at Autism Plus, and ATI Delivery Partner, said: “North Yorkshire is a very diverse geographical area. To make the biggest impact, we needed to work as a partnership in order to transform the lives of more people. ATI has enabled us to do this, and make a real difference.

Alison Kerr, specialist employment manager at Big Ambitions, and ATI Delivery Partner, said: The thing about ATI, is that it’s person-centred. Tailored to the individual. The programme enables us to nurture, encourage, and help the person in every way we can to reach their goals.

Natasha Babar-Evans, CEO at Better Connect said: “This programme has made such a huge impact, and it was both emotional and encouraging to hear some of the incredible stories, the amazing journeys that people have made, the progress they’ve made, what they’ve achieved, and how important this programme has been to them.”

Better Connect will be actively pursuing opportunities to support their delivery partners in maintaining the enormous impact they’re making through the Action Towards Inclusion programme, helping to enrich the lives of people across Yorkshire.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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