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Birmingham's Belief, Branding and Business Development Fairy Godmother Shares Top Tips For Loving Yourself and Creating Self Confidence

JoJo Smith, 48, from Birmingham, who runs a 6 figure award winning business after going self employed in 2019, after 20 years working in business development, has made a name for herself with her fun loving personality, renowned positivity and go getting approach to life, which sees her recognised in the entrepreneur community as ‘The Belief, Branding and Business Development Fairy Godmother’, complete with pink tutus and her ‘wonky crown’.

JoJo, whose accolades include; global Podcast host, inspirational speaker, and presenter of The Friyay Feels Show on your, launched her book, ‘Loving Yourself Beyond Belief’, on Valentine’s Day, and saw it soar straight in at number 1 on the Amazon bestseller book charts in 14 categories. This book is her celebration of her now living a life that is truly authentic to her, and her gift to others to help them do the same, as she steps into her Fairy Godmother role of helping others to make their wishes come true.

As the nation went into overdrive for Valentines Day, JoJo was demonstrating the transformative power that self-love has to come first. She said: “A Happy, Sassy and Successful YOU depends on you loving yourself BEYOND BELIEF!. This is the fundamental foundation you need to nail!”

Having won business with TV production companies, premier league football clubs and huge global retailers when she was in her business development role during her corporate career, JoJo started to recognise that it was her strong personality that was opening doors for her. Finally overcoming many years of self-doubt, she was now starting to see that her personality was an asset not a flaw, as she’d been led to believe in her younger years in care.

She said: “I am on a mission to enable others to find and create their own magic; permitting them to make BIG wishes, and then helping turn those wishes into reality. Creating a life with an intention that serves you is at the core of everything I do, as I believe we can make our own dreams come true, when we can fully see them and head towards them!”

“However I know it’s not always that easy and sometimes we need a bit of extra help. For years as I kid I wished I had a Fairy Godmother that would help make my dreams come true. I have now stepped into this role to help others globally, driven by my desire to give back”.

“Loving yourself with unconditional, extra sassy admiration is a life skill - once you master it, it will be your pocket rocket strategy for getting you moving in the direction you wish your life to go in. You will magnetically help yourself - and others - see the benefit and become infectiously adored by those that are good for your heart and soul. If you love yourself, others will too!”

Here are JoJo’s Top Tips For Loving Yourself Beyond Belief and Creating Unstoppable Self Confidence


Gratitude is more than a loud thank you or a bunch of flowers to show appreciation. It’s an inner positivity practice. Research shows it to be a powerful happiness tool. Starting your day with three things you are grateful for helps you to start your day with intention.

This is where the 3 Cs come into play.

(i) COMMITMENT – morning gratitude will bring huge benefits when you invest the time to practice… it can feel alien at first, but then becomes the most natural behaviour

(ii) CONSISTENCY – gratitude requires frequent practice to see the true impact. Creating it as a habit is essential to experience it’s full power

(iii) COMMUNITY – When you share gratitude with those around you, the impact intensifies, and you will find it reciprocated - spread the love!


If you’re looking for a signpost to success, loving yourself beyond belief is it. Once you step into your significance and own it, this is your coronation, the owning of your own crown jewels.

Adopt the acronym W.I.V M.E to help you see your significance

(i) WORTH – Accepting that you deserve to be happy sassy and successful is a key, and can be a huge, step. Write down three reasons why you deserve it and really start to lean into this. If you can’t think of any, ask someone close to you, I bet they can think of lots more than 3!

(ii) IMPORTANCE – It’s vital to give yourself permission to have a high opinion of yourself. If you don’t love and adore yourself and see your importance, how will anyone else?

(iii) VALUE – Understanding you are an asset to be treasured and appreciated. Write down three awesome things about you, and three things that you bring to other tables. Focus on your strengths, shift the negative narrative and remember, your brain believes what you tell it

(iv) MAGNIFICENCE- Embracing your extremely unique beauty, both inside and out. There is only one you in this world, making you an original - you’ve GOT to embrace that!

(iv)ESTEEM – Credit yourself with respect, admiration and gratitude for everything you have done and achieved. Believe in your capabilities and reframe adversity for triumphs. Owning your reframes is so powerful!

Copies of ‘Loving Yourself Beyond Belief’ can be bought via Amazon.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Chocolate PR .

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