This week’s North East appointments: Featuring Newcastle Building Society, CENE and Eldon Square

This week’s round up of North East appointments includes Newcastle Building Society, Constructing Excellence in the North East and Eldon Square. Read on to find out more.

Iain Lightfoot, Newcastle Building Society

Iain Lightfoot has joined the Society to become Managing Director of Newcastle Financial Advisers’ which provides accessible advice on investment, retirement, inheritance tax planning and protection advice across the North East, North West and North Yorkshire.

With 32 years’ experience in financial services and advice, Iain has held senior roles with some of the UK’s most well-known banks and building societies, including Skipton and TSB, and joins Newcastle Financial Advisers’ having spent the last five years leading accountancy firm Armstrong Watson’s financial planning team.

Iain commented: “At a time when consumer finances are feeling the pressure of rising inflation and the increased cost of living, it’s important that people feel their money is working hard for them, and that they’re able to easily access face-to-face financial advice that’s personalised, authentic and reliable.

“I’m passionate about providing the right environment and culture to deliver financial advice of the highest quality, and working in collaboration with Newcastle Building Society colleagues we’ll continue to deliver on our purpose of connecting our communities with a better financial future, building meaningful, long-lasting customer relationships.”

As part of his role, Iain will continue to deliver on Newcastle Building Society’s commitment to provide personalised, trustworthy financial advice for all, while leading an experienced team of advisers who are available face to face on high streets across the Society’s branch network, and remotely via video.

Stuart Miller, executive director at Newcastle Building Society, added: “I’m thrilled to welcome Iain to the Society. His strong background in financial advice will ensure we continue to deliver an outstanding experience for our members and grow our financial advice offering ensuring more people can access the advice they need.”

Mark Gardham, Constructing Excellence in the North East (CENE)

Constructing Excellence in the North East (CENE) has announced that Mark Gardham (pictured left), regional director at Sir Robert McAlpine, is joining the board as Innovation chair.

Group members include Sir Robert McAlpine, Applebridge, Northumbria University, Ryder Architecture, NavVis, Silverstone Building Consultancy and McGovern & Co. The sector theme groups which also include climate, people and value, are designed to showcase good practice across the region and beyond.

The theme groups build on the work of the OneVoice North East England construction strategy and action plan, launched in 2020, with the aim of creating a successful, sustainable and inclusive construction industry, equipped with the people and technology to deliver a carbon neutral, built environment, by 2050, if not before.

Mark commented: “I have been the lead for the Innovation group for nearly three years, working with a very ambitious team of industry professionals. Having now been appointed onto the CENE board as innovation chair, I am looking forward to building on our strong foundations.

“Our challenge is to raise the profile of the group, highlighting innovative products and processes being developed and used by organisations within the region.

“We will do this in a number of ways including bite size webinars, in-person multi-speaker seminars, panel discussions, collaborative workshops, site visits and engagement with research and funding bodies. We will also support and share national strategies and encourage collaboration with members.”

Cormac Hamilton, Eldon Square

Eldon Square has announced that Cormac Hamilton has been brought in as the centre’s new general manager, with a focus on collaborating with the retailers and wider stakeholders.

This role will see Cormac leading the company through its next phase of growth and innovation by developing sustainable strategies, launching new initiatives, and maximising stakeholder value. In his previous roles, Cormac has had extensive experience in managing shopping centres across the country.

With a career starting in the Royal Marines, his subsequent experience has ranged from the regional management of over 30 shopping centres in the Midlands to managing centres in Exeter, Hartlepool, Lincoln and Wakefield.

Cormac also brings experience from his time as chair of the Wakefield High Street Task Force, sitting on Savills National Shopping Centre Management Executive, and from his role as national lead for the Savills mystery shop programme.

Cormac commented: “Over the past 25 years, I have developed a detailed, in-depth knowledge of shopping centre management and a level of professional expertise that will allow me to really drive change forward in one of the country’s leading city centre shopping destinations.

“The focus on community inclusion and experiential shopping very much aligns with my ambitions and goals of bringing the centre, and indeed the industry, into a new era; finding out what our customers, retailers, cafes and restaurants really value and then delivering on that.”

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By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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