Sheffield Hallam University announces “ambitious” Health Innovation Campus vision

Sheffield Hallam University has launched “ambitious” new plans for a Health Innovation Campus based at the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, announced today at the Northern Powerhouse Education, Employment and Skills Summit.

The Sheffield Hallam Health Innovation Campus builds on the University’s existing presence at the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and will support the University’s ambitions to explore investment and partnerships for future development opportunities, including:

  • An Advanced Health and Care Skills Centre: Meeting the challenge of creating a modern health and care workforce with cutting edge training facilities and expertise
  • A Nursery of the Future: A national and global beacon for advanced ideas, technologies and best practice in early childhood education, family support and health, including a community-based research and teaching nursery
  • Sheffield Hallam Health Acceleration Programme (SHAPe): A holistic business accelerator proposition which offers pre-revenue, startup and SME accelerator activity and expertise to participating companies.

The Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park is already home to Sheffield Hallam’s £14m Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) and the £10.5m National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering with over 200 researchers from across the University co-located on the site from health, sport, design, engineering, computing and social sciences.

There is also a new £4m South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub in partnership with University of Sheffield, the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, the Active Together programme, the AWRC Wellbeing Accelerator, and partnerships with the National Centre for Child Health Technology, English Institute of Sport and Canon Medical Community Arena.

The University’s ambition for the Health Innovation Campus is to unlock new external inward investment and create the most advanced cluster for health, wellbeing and sustainability in the world, building capacity in skills, research, innovation, business support and community engagement.

It will play a key role in helping the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park realise its internationally recognised potential, and in boosting South Yorkshire’s identity as a global hub for health and wellbeing innovation.

Through existing facilities, people and partnerships, and new potential developments, the interdisciplinary campus will focus on the entire human lifespan: from maternal, infant care and early years education to healthy and active ageing.

It will integrate subject areas including health, care, biosciences, robotics, food engineering, nutrition, education, sport, social science, business, design and computing.

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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