Steve Walter, Operations Director at DJ Assembly.
(Pictured left): Steve Walter, Operations Director at DJ Assembly.

York based independent manufacturer ‘powers up’ with Made Smarter funding

DJ Assembly, a ‘thriving’ independent business, has secured a maximum grant of £20k from the Made Smarter programme.

This funding will enable the company to acquire a Detech machine, a significant upgrade that will boost efficiency, productivity, and product quality.

Steve Walter, Operations Director at DJ Assembly, commented: “We are thrilled to have received this grant from the Made Smarter programme. This investment will allow us to take our business to the next level with cutting-edge technology that will enhance our productivity and competitiveness.”

DJ Assembly has witnessed “remarkable growth” over the past six years, with a fourfold increase in turnover and a threefold expansion of its employee base. In its quest for business support, DJ Assembly sought to leverage the opportunities presented by Industry 4.0 to enhance their operations.

Louise Saw, Business Growth Manager at City of York Council, who had previously referred them to schemes like PAPI and Digital Enterprise, connected them with Mike Pennington of York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub. Mike played a crucial role in securing the Made Smarter grant, which will enable DJ Assembly to purchase a Detech machine.

This advanced equipment boasts superior speed, functionality, and precision, surpassing the capabilities of their previous machinery. The new machine will operate continuously for 16 hours a day, significantly augmenting the company’s production capacity and turnover.

Steve continued: “The Made Smarter programme has been a tremendous resource for our company. The guidance and support we have received from Louise Saw and Mike Pennington has been invaluable.”

In addition to the grant, DJ Assembly has also completed a Digital Roadmap with Oxford Innovation, identifying further solutions to optimise its business processes. Moreover, it is considering enrolling two promising members of their team in the Leading Digital Transformation programme.

Mike Pennington, Business Relationship Manager at the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, commended the collaborative efforts of the service providers and the DJ Assembly team, expressing his confidence in the company’s continued growth and success.

Mike added: “DJ Assembly is a great example of a company embracing Industry 4.0 to enhance its business operations. We are committed to supporting businesses like DJ Assembly in their pursuit of digital transformation.”

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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