Partner Article
New property deal checks out as supermarket giant commits to Nottingham city centre
NG Chartered Surveyors, the property people, have shown their commitment to city centre retail once again after they worked as part of a Nottingham-based team of professionals to ensure a supermarket giant extends its stay in the city.
Acting on behalf of a private landlord client, Richard Sutton, NG's Managing Director, secured a new lease with Tesco for its convenience store on Long Row in Nottingham city centre.
The deal means the supermarket operator will extend its stay in the popular location in the heart of the city.
Richard said: "Despite the bad headlines, canny city centre retailers are thriving and we're delighted to be able to ensure that a prestigious name like Tesco remains at this prime site on Long Row.
"This is a win-win for both our clients - who have extended their relationship with a quality tenant - and for Tesco who will continue to serve the people as they have done so successfully over the years."
Paul Hinchliffe, partner at Nelsons, provided legal advice on the deal.
He said: "What a good way to start the New Year.
"Convenience stores in city centre locations are important for the high street, so it’s positive to see Tesco committing to this location for the foreseeable future."
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by John Walker .