L-R Events Officer Marie Shuker and Head of Marketing and Communications Stephanie Sullivan

Member Article

Chamber invite Black Country business community to Meet the Team event

The Black Country business community are invited to get to know their Chamber team as they host their first Meet the Team event next month.

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce are hosting a Meet the Team event at Vaal & Vaal, Chapel Ash in Wolverhampton on Tuesday 24th September, from 5pm to 7pm.

The free to attend event aims to give local businesses the opportunity to meet the Chamber team face to face and find out more about the roles each colleague plays in supporting and connecting organisations across the region.

Since Sarah Moorhouse was appointed Black Country Chamber of Commerce CEO in 2022, the Chamber has welcomed a number of new faces to the team including new look marketing and communications, and membership teams. 

Recent appointments include Head of Marketing and Communications, Stephanie Sullivan and Events Officer, Marie Shuker.

Black Country Chamber of Commerce CEO, Sarah Moorhouse commented: “The Meet the Team event is a fantastic opportunity for both Chamber members and non-members to get to know the team in an informal setting. 

“There have been a few changes in the team lately, and we want the Black Country business community to get to know us a little better, find out more about the roles we each play within the Chamber and how we support our members, partners and stakeholders.”

To book your place please go to: https://www.blackcountrychamber.co.uk/events/24092024/meet-the-team/

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Osborn Communications .

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