Sarah McCrady and Nina Walton, co-founders of Transform

Transforming brands, transforming business

Business growth is predicated upon many things, not least a robust marketing and brand strategy. For many scaling companies, though, actioning such – while mastering everyday challenges – represents a tough proposition. Relief then for the unique brand transformation programme Transform, which has been developed to give businesses the opportunity to maximise their potential, realign their marketing and create something truly special. Here, we speak to co-founders Sarah McCrady and Nina Walton to find out more.

“Do you know what, I think you two should meet – you’d really get on!”, so said the mutual friend who first introduced Sarah McCrady and Nina Walton.

Ten years later, alongside their budding friendship, the unique brand transformation programme the two marketing experts have developed is in constant demand.

And you only have to meet Sarah and Nina to instantly understand why.

Both share an infectious enthusiasm for solving brand and marketing problems, and ping ideas off one another, sometimes even finishing each other’s sentences.

With more than 50 years of brand, marketing and communications experience between them, the duo had a clear vision to create something new with Transform, which is a unique rebrand programme that digs deep and really gets under the skin of businesses that take part.

Its holistic approach brings words, design and marketing strategy under one umbrella, propelling organisations forward with such force that it has been described as Berocca for business.

As well as being collectively positive and upbeat, though, the two business partners are also focused and determined.

Nina says: “We tell all our clients, ‘you didn’t come this far, to only come this far’, and we tell ourselves that too.

“It’s our ‘why’ and the reason we’re all about moving clients’ businesses forward and ensuring they achieve their full potential.”

This simple mantra fuelled Sarah and Nina’s vision, which is all about helping scaling businesses move to the next level.

Sarah says: “So many business owners come to us saying they feel there is a problem, but they can’t quite put their finger on what it is or how to fix it.

“They tell us they’ve lost confidence, or feel their brand and marketing is failing to reflect who they are or keep pace with their ambitions.”

Nina nods enthusiastically.

She says: “When you’ve gone through Transform, you not only understand your brand better, but you understand your business better too.”

Transform asks business owners telling questions and uses the answers they provide to gradually uncover their – often elusive – brand essence.

Sarah says: “Clients tell us Transform is actually quite an enlightening and cathartic experience, because it allows them to get everything out there and take stock.

“It provides long-term results, helping to futureproof clients’ businesses, and it makes the path ahead so much clearer.”

Nina adds: “What Transform really does is help clients become ‘unstuck’; it makes them feel confident and empowered, so they can move forward with clarity.

“They get excited because, all of a sudden, they can clearly see the road ahead, and, with their new toolkit of creative assets, are then able to take their business to the next level.”

Sarah and Nina say the Transform programme and the other retained services they offer help realign businesses with their goals, customers and true brand identity, which allows them to discover a new sense of authenticity, gravitas and confidence.

Many of the company’s clients stay with them after the Transform programme finishes, moving on to monthly retainers for ongoing design, PR, content and marketing support.

Sarah says: “Brand and marketing services can sometimes be seen as ‘a nice to have’ and the fluffy side of business.

“But our Transform programme digs deeper to garner the best long-term results, combining a full discovery stage.

“This really is the silver bullet part that informs all our creative thinking and outputs, guiding the magic that Transform delivers so well.

“What we love most is simply helping businesses be the best versions of themselves, for them to really succeed and for us to become a valuable extension of their wider team.”

Nina adds: “Getting feedback from clients who describe Transform as a ‘total gamechanger’ and ‘something you won’t regret’ makes us incredibly proud.

“We’ve had some amazing pinch-me moments and the privilege of working with some fantastic businesses and entrepreneurs.

“We genuinely love what we do.”

The duo, who have an office on Osborne Road, in Jesmond, also work with a team of experienced associates – or ‘Transform Partners’ – to deliver their range of services, which includes copywriters, creatives and brand strategists.

Sarah says: “We are proud to partner with a number of amazingly talented professionals, and our plan is to bring more skilled associates in, to collaborate with, as Transform continues to grow.”

Nina adds: “And we are pretty sector agnostic too.

“Even though we have a lot of experience in interiors and professional services, it’s mostly scaling and ambitious businesses that are our real sweet spot.”

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