Sharon Boyd Sharon Boyd


Inclusion Mentoring for Parents, Adolescents, Children and Teachers (I.M.P.A.C.T Northeast) is a new Bespoken Service and training enterprise business driven by local and wider community needs. It is my aim to enhance services available to educational settings, by offering individual packages which fit them and their communities. Fostering an holistic approach to social inequalities. Using humanistic practices to enhance positive mental health without discrimination. I aim to create positive and non-judgemental environments for individual change helping to empower individuals to aspire and achieve. I.M.PA.C.T Northeast will help support the growth of social & emotional intelligence and literacy of children and young people, encourage creativity and imagination, develop and improve coping skills and communication, whilst increasing attendance, improving behaviour and attainment. I also endeavour to support the longevity needed to create social impact for more sustainable communities. Not only will I be providing early intervention for children and young people, I will provide support for all those who contribute to the social and emotional well being of our children and young people. Not one size fits all and my company aims to work with clients to develop package that fits them.

Sharon Boyd's Profile