Member Article

PPI claims on the rise

Real Time Claims, the consumer PPI claims handling firm, has seen a 2,500% rise in applications over the past three months.

The rise comes as banks have set aside £10bn to settle mis-sold PPI compensation.

Colin Anderson has recently received £2000, having discovered that he had unknowingly been paying for the insurance on a Lloyds bank loan taken out four years ago.

He said: “To get my money back on a policy I didn’t even realise I was paying couldn’t have come at a better time. I would encourage anyone in the same situation to do this, and I had known before how quick and easy it was to see if I had been mis-sold the insurance, I would have applied sooner.”

The process of claiming can take between three to eight weeks from initial enquiry, and clients have the facility to track their claim.

Managing director Stuart Bell added: “We are pleased that people are now more aware that they are entitled to get their money back on policies they didn’t realise they were paying for and that we can help people like Colin reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

“It is amazing how many others are still sitting on money unaware of their potential windfall.

“Anyone who has taken out a bank loan, credit card, mortgage, car finance agreement where they have paid out for payment protection insurance will most likely be owed money.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Tom Keighley .

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