Partner Article
Three local councils are joining forces to host a free exhibition and forum to keep private sector landlords and letting agents in the region up-to-date with the latest legal changes taking place in the world of private renting.
Kettering Borough Council, Wellingborough Borough Council and East Northamptonshire Council are teaming up with DASH Landlord Accreditation and East Midlands Property Owners (EMPO), to stage the event, which is taking place on Wednesday 4 October at The Kettering Park Hotel, Kettering (4pm - 8pm).
The event is aimed at residential landlords and letting agents who want the latest advice and support in offering good and safe housing.
The exhibition opens at 4.00pm - landlords will be able to meet a wide range of organisations offering advice and money-saving products and services.
The forum, which starts at 5.00pm, will be hosted by DASH Landlord Accreditation, the region’s leading provider of housing advice and information for the private rented sector and East Midlands Property Owners (EMPO), a landlord association in the region.
There will be an update from EMPO on the latest changes to legislation and the benefits of joining a Landlord Association, followed by advice from Elmhurst Energy on how landlords can raise their EPC rating, as well as a discussion about the benefits of gaining DASH Landlord Accreditation.
M Cubed Chartered Accountants will update landlords of recent tax changes that are likely to affect them, before the private housing teams at Kettering Borough Council, Wellingborough Borough Council and East Northamptonshire Council update delegates on the help and support that is available to them.
At the end of the session, there will be a Q & A session, followed by refreshments and networking opportunities.
Commenting on the event, Linda Cobb, manager of DASH Landlord Accreditation, said:
“There have been a number of important changes to the private renting world recently and a number of other changes are set to come into force over the next 12 months, which could result in financial penalties and in some cases criminal sanctions on landlords if not adhered to.
“It’s essential that private landlords stay up-to-date and are aware of any changes in legislation to ensure they run a successful legal business no matter how many properties they own.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for landlords and letting agents in Kettering, East Northants and Wellingborough to hear about the changes that may affect them in an informal environment. It’s also a great chance to meet other local landlords and other professionals who could be of assistance now or in the future.”
To register for this event, or find out more about DASH Landlord Accreditation scheme, call 01332 640324 or email linda.cobb@derby.gov.uk
This is one a series of FREE landlord forums and events which are being hosted by East Midlands Property Owners and DASH Landlord Accreditation across the East Midlands.
The events are hosted in partnership with Local Housing Authorities and are aimed at residential landlord and letting agents who want the latest advice and support to offer decent and safe housing.
Each event will provide opportunities for landlords to network, receive updates, talk to experts and local organisations offering guidance and discounted products and services.
Landlords who are unable to attend the free course can still stay up-to-date with important news, events and changes to legislation by joining DASH Landlord Accreditation for free by visiting www.dashservices.org.uk/Accreditation
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Donna Hill .
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