Newcastle Quayside viewed from Baltic (Tyne Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Sage) - Newcastle and Gateshe
Image Source: Glen Bowman

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Jacqueline De Rojas set for North East return this week

President of techUK Jacqueline de Rojas will be in the North East this week, speaking at the third North East Women (NEW) Leaders conference.

Warmly known as one of Britain’s top female tech leaders, Jacqueline will deliver a keynote speech at the event which is designed to supercharge the future of the next generation of female leaders.

Hosted by Newcastle High School for Girls in partnership with Northumbria University, the NEW exists to provide insight into women who have reached the top of their professions.

After leaving her post at Sage earlier this year, de Rojas has maintained a keen interest in the region. As well as this week’s speaking commitment, the tech entrepreneur is also involved in Campus North’s Tech For Life initiative.

Based at Newcastle High School for Girls this wednesday (September 27), 450 young women from schools across the region are expected to attend the occasion.

Supported by lead sponsor the North East LEP, Jacqueline will be joined by speakers including Hilary French, Kim Inglis, Lucy Winskell and Helen Dalby. Kate Denby, Executive Director at Northern Stage, will also deliver a keynote.

Over 30 of the region’s top female leaders will also run mentoring sessions on the day giving girls an insight into what it takes to make it to the top in their chosen career.

Michelle Rainbow, Skills Director, North East Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Our ‘North East Ambition’ is for each and every young person to be able to access excellent careers guidance.

“We are supporting NEW Leaders because it will identify opportunities in areas where females are traditionally underrepresented, so we can map the full range of routes on offer.

“We want young people to be able to access inspiring information showing the breadth of opportunities in the North East, and are looking forward to NEW Leaders, which is a great example of independent and state schools working together to share experience.”

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