Cllr Harry Trueman, Sunderland City Council and James Waring of Cenergist.
Cllr Harry Trueman, Sunderland City Council and James Waring of Cenergist.

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Cenergist leaves Newcastle behind in HQ-tripling Sunderland expansion

Energy efficiency services firm Cenergist has tripled the size of its HQ, after leaving Newcastle behind to set up base in neighbouring Sunderland.

Also recruiting 15 new members of staff, the move follows a period of growth for the business which saw turnover leap from £1m in 2014 to £6.5m last year.

Revenue is expected to grow substantially during this financial year, driven by surging demand for energy-efficient lighting among several contributors to its growth.

The company offers a range of services to organisations, including LED lighting supply and installation, energy efficiency consulting and management of large heating installation projects.

It also works with water companies to help their customers save water – a service which has improved water efficiency in over 6,000 UK homes this year.

As a Carbon Trust-accredited supplier, it also brings government-backed funds and other funding sources together to help support large-scale energy projects.

Most of Cenergist’s work is UK-based, with some involvement in Spanish projects. The Indian market represents a major opportunity for the firm, however.

The company is now headquartered on Washington’s Glover Industrial Estate. Sunderland City Council worked closely with Cenergist to facilitate its move to Washington.

Councillor Harry Trueman, deputy leader of the council, said: “Cenergist is a great example of an innovative, enterprising company which has decided to relocate to Sunderland. It adds to the growing knowledge economy eco-system being created across the city.

“Cenergist has established itself as leading player in a fast-growing industry and looks well placed to become a major employer here in the North East in the coming years. We wish the firm every success going forward.”

Opportunities in India

Cenergist has been awarded UK grant funding to work in conjunction with The Energy Research Institute (TERI) of India and Jain Irrigation Systems Limited of India. The project involves the development of a water and energy saving device for use in agricultural irrigation.

Agricultural irrigation is by far the largest user of water in India, and significant wastage in this area is contributing to severe droughts throughout the country.

Cenergist’s device will reduce this wastage and help conserve water. Additionally, EESL, a large Indian energy efficiency organisation, has announced its intention to work with the company to distribute domestic LED lightbulbs throughout the UK.

Cenergist’s finance director James Waring attributed the firm’s success to a number of factors. He said: “The rising cost of energy, combined with the need to provide affordable warmth for households, has driven many councils and housing associations to assess heating systems in their communities.

“As a specialist in communal and district heating, Cenergist has been able to advise on suitable systems, bringing in government and other external funding, as well as managing heating installations from start to finish.

“We’re delighted with our new base in Washington and value the support and advice we received from Sunderland’s business investment team.”

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