Ryanair airplane
Image Source: Aurelijus Valeiša
In talks with Unite, Ryanair confirmed a deal to secure the cabin crew jobs, opting for temporary pay cuts over job losses.

“Hundreds” of Ryanair jobs secured in union pay cut deal

Budget airline Ryanair has agreed a deal to secure “hundreds” of front line jobs in redundancy consultations.

In talks with Unite, the airline confirmed a deal to secure the cabin crew jobs, opting for temporary pay cuts over job losses.

Ryanair has negotiated crew pay reductions of between 5 per cent to 10 per cent, with the sums to be restored over a four year period.

The news comes as the firm continues discussions with the union over 3,000 redundancies - 15 per cent of Ryanair’s workforce.

Unite’s aviation officer Oliver Richardson commented: “That these reductions are temporary and tiered to ensure the lowest paid are least affected was an important outcome of our negotiations and critical to our members voting to accept the proposals.

“It is always difficult for members to accept reductions in pay, but in order to preserve jobs it is exactly what our cabin crew have agreed to do.”

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