HSBC signage
Image Source: Karen Bryan

HSBC reveals plans to close 82 UK branches with new "strategic direction"

A British bank has announced plans to close 82 branches across the UK this year following a drop in site visits.

HSBC will retain 511 branches across the country, with the bank aiming to redistribute affected staff to other branches.

It also said that ‘pop-up’ mobile branches will be rolled out this year.

The company did not confirm how many jobs could be cut due to the plans.

Jackie Uhi, HSBC UK’s head of network, commented: “The Covid-19 pandemic has emphasised the need for the changes that we are making.

“It hasn’t pushed us in a different direction but reinforces the things that we were focusing on before and has crystallised our thinking.

“This is a strategic direction that we need to take to have a branch network fit for the future.

“The direction of travel is really quite clear and this is borne out by the reduction in branch usage and increase in digital interaction that we are seeing first-hand.”

Dominic Hook, national officer of trade union Unite, said: “Unite has called on all banks to protect their bank branch networks and avoid closures because the unquestionable long-term damage that this will do to local high streets and communities is simply unimaginable.”

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