Business and Community Support Officer Phil O’Malley with Scott and Liz Carlucci of The Clifton.

South Tyneside Council supports reopening of local hospitality businesses

South Tyneside Council has encouraged local residents to support the area’s hospitality industry as it continues to assist the reopening of businesses.

The Council’s new team of Business and Community Support Officers (BCSOs) and Environmental Health officers have been out engaging with venues across South Tyneside giving advice and assistance.

In addition, planning permission is not required for a pavement licence and the £100 application fee has been waived.

Cllr Tracey Dixon, leader of South Tyneside Council, commented: “This past year of constant uncertainty and lengthy periods of closure have been extremely challenging for businesses, particularly hospitality venues.

“Over recent months, the council has been working closely with businesses to help them get ready to reopen as safely and smoothly as possible and support their staff and customers to adhere to the guidance on hands, face, space and fresh air.

“Whether people are enjoying these social interactions again with a drink or meal at a café, restaurant or pub, we continue to do all we can to support our hospitality industry to recover from the pandemic, working hand in hand with them so that their customers have the confidence to visit premises and feel protected.”

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