Business training session

Partner Article

The self-sustaining role of employee feedback

Employees are a business’s greatest strength, but also their greatest pitfalls. Great teams can produce sky-high revenues while slow, inefficient groups cause profit margins to shrink. There is no need to despair if you are stuck in the second category, for there is one simple tool that can help any team grow.

Training, it seems so simple yet pulling together a training programme that can deliver tangible results is one of the trickiest tasks an HR team must do. A learning & development project which wields little to no return is a tragedy.

This is precisely why employee feedback, positive and negative, is so important. Finding yourself trapped in a cycle of training created without any outside input is time-consuming for you and tiresome for your employees.

Quality feedback is critical for companies to grow alongside the professional development of their staff. With the right procedures in place, the teachers can also pick up new insights into how those they teach are handling new practices and alter anything which is not working.

A staggering 94% of employees are more likely to remain at a company with suitable L&D opportunities according to a LinkedIn report. It is in your interest to invest in your staff and do everything you can to grow with and for them.

Break down barriers in the hierarchy and open up communication channels for those in the training roles at your business. It could cut turnover, produce more effective training programmes, and allow the teachers to grow as they inspire.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Lee Cottle .

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