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Member Article

Here are the 5 legal jobs that will be created as a result of generative AI

By Dawid Robert Kotur, Founder and CEO of Curvestone AI

Generative AI such as Chat GPT is rapidly changing the way we work, live, and interact with technology. While the media has shed light - sometimes overdramatically - on many of the challenges this transition comes with, I wanted to tackle one in particular: the idea that AI will replace many human jobs. I have worked in the broader field of AI for almost a decade and have first hand experience of how it is likely to impact the jobs market. While I’m not denying that the wide-ranging use of Generative AI will remove the need for some jobs - particularly in the legal market - I wanted to share my insight into the new job and upskilling opportunities AI is also going to create in that market in parallel.

Here are five of the jobs I foresee being created in the next ten years:

Legal Prompt Engineers

Legal Prompt Engineers will be responsible for developing and maintaining the AI algorithms that power chat bots and virtual assistants. They will work closely with data scientists and software engineers to ensure that these AI systems are efficient, accurate, and user-friendly. They will also work with lawyers and technical specialists to make sure that lawyers interact with Generative AI in a way that performs best and gives an output that a lawyer can use as part of their service to the client.

Legal AI Ethical Officers

With the increasing use of AI in various industries, especially legal, ethical concerns have risen. Legal AI Ethical Officers will be responsible for ensuring that AI systems are developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner. They will work closely with AI developers and business leaders to identify potential ethical issues and develop strategies to address them. It won’t be surprising if at some point all medium to large sized companies will have at least one of those people ensuring a compliant and ethical use of Generative AI.

Legal Bias Anthropologists

Bias Anthropologists will be experts in identifying and addressing biases in AI systems. They will work with data scientists and AI developers to identify potential biases in the data used to train AI systems and develop strategies to mitigate these biases. These people will be absolutely crucial in the legal sector where the use of Generative AI is growing exponentially - making sure, for instance, that the algorithms being used by the sector do not discriminate against certain groups or individuals.

Legal Generative AI Operators

Generative AI Operators will be responsible for operating AI systems that can generate legal documents, such as contracts and patents. They will work closely with legal professionals to ensure that these documents are accurate and legally binding. They will do this much faster and to a better standard than human lawyers can today. If done well, in a lot of places, paralegal can and should be upskilled to transition into such a role.

Legal AI Product Managers

AI Product Managers will be responsible for developing and managing Generative AI products and services. They will closely work with AI developers, business leaders, and customers to identify market opportunities and develop AI products that meet customer needs. It will be the Legal AI Product Managers who will ideally have both technical and legal training to help the industry transform. Most law firms will have many of those people hired directly in their teams, acting as the linchpins between lawyers and technical departments. I have met people who do this kind of work already, just without the title. They are usually technically-minded lawyers who see the industry progressing beyond the status quo and want to take innovation as an opportunity to diversify their skill set.

Despite what a lot of people think, Generative AI will not replace lawyers. Law firms that do not embrace technology early might see a lot of their business go elsewhere simply because of the enormous time and money losses associated with NOT using AI. But even knowing that, the transition will be slow, as the legal industry is based on relationships and trust. It will take a lot for clients of law firms to move to other more innovative providers just because of the price.

As legal services become cheaper due to leveraging Generative AI, however, we might actually see real job growth in the legal sector as more people will be able to afford legal services and therefore drive more demand for those services. The jobs created to fulfill that demand will probably be different to what we see on the market today, but it is also likely that soon universities will adjust their curriculum to incorporate how to use Generative AI in law, so everything is more or less moving in sync. What’s certain is that a new generation of AI-enabled legal professionals is coming.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Curvestone AI .

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